Thayer, 34
Director, Rockford Habitat for Humanity
been running for...
20 years this August.
started running because...
I got cut from the Freeport High School Freshman
Volleyball team. To get a waiver
out of gym class, I needed a fall sport. Cross Country was the only one I didn't
have to try out for.
I could no longer run I...
Would join the YMCA crew team.
favorite run...
Was around the lake in Lake Delavan. About 8 of us played hooky
from work on a Friday last year for a training run up there. After we cleaned up, we stopped at a wine store and Taco Bell before
heading home.
favorite thing to do after a hard workout is...
Drink chocolate milk. In
the winter, take a long, hot shower, then eat a huge breakfast. In
the summer, the shower is barely warm.
like to run with...
Stacy Krueger, but he is too fast. Occasionally, he will offer
me a Charity Run, and jog with me for a while.
strangest place I've ever run is...
In a large corporation's parking lot in
Greenville, SC. I was traveling for my last job, but the roads near my hotel
were too busy. The path I was
directed to went into a huge parking lot. I
covered 6 miles circling that lot. Fortunately, the parking lot was well
landscaped with ponds, ducks, trees, and flowers, unlike the path which was in
an open field with no shade from the sun. At
one point, two guys in a pick-up truck asked if I was looking for something. I wonder if the company had security cameras in that lot?
I'm not running I like to...
Swim and bike. When
I'm not exercising, I like to hang out at the Habitat for Humanity construction
site. I pretend like I know how to build a home, but really just shoot the
breeze with the future homeowners and volunteers. Oh yeah, and there's free lunch on Saturdays.
am inspired by...
Anyone who makes maintaining good health a top priority.
local runner I most admire is...
Jeff Miller. He trains very hard and is incredibly
talented, but always keeps the workouts fun. When I least expect it, he will say an encouraging word that will make me
a better athlete or person.
push myself on a run I...
Tell myself the discomfort won't be forever. Suffer a bit now, and the next effort I'll be stronger.
greatest running accomplishment was...
Not walking during the marathon portion of
the Florida Ironman triathlon in 2004 ... except to get fluids and gels at the
aid stations. To this day, of my 5 marathons, it's the only one that I didn't
walk during. Previously, I had only
completed one open marathon and finished in 4 hours, 21 minutes. The Ironman
marathon took 4 hours, 28 minutes...much quicker than my goal of 5 hours. It was a very weird experience to climb off my bike after over 6 hours of
riding and say to myself "yippee, now I ONLY have to run a marathon." I must have been CRAZY!!!
18 triathlons, I had my first flat tire during the Great Illini 1/2 Ironman in
Mattoon. I guess I was due. The flat occurred with just 6 miles left in the bike
portion. All those people who said to practice changing a flat were right. It took me 22 minutes. Pathetic, I know. On the bright side, I had a nice 22 minute rest before
I started my 1/2 marathon. Thanks to the rest, I had a great run. In the end, I
placed 3rd in my age group. The winner of my age group was only 7 minutes ahead
of me.
next goal is...
To qualify for the Boston Marathon.
advice to other runners is...
To start slow. Gradually build a solid base, and
prepare your body for any type of distance events. There are SO many injuries
experienced from increasing distances too quickly.
plan to run until...
I can't.